Good Things Yesterday Brings (for yesterdays Friday through Monday)

Eeek! Oh the weekend was long but flashed by at the same time and I haven’t posted any Good Things since last Friday regarding Thursday. In lieu of writing up four posts, I’m going to summarize the good for each yesterday in this one post. Here goes…

Friday: I don’t remember what I planned to do with my solo Friday evening, but it turned into hours and hours spent redesigning my blog. I really thought I would have to pay someone to create a banner for me, but my sister Christine convinced me to try working on it myself. So that new banner you see, I did it in Paint. That’s the only creative software we have =) I found some plug-ins for WordPress and voilà. I could have kept playing too but Hank got home from work and booted me off his computer. Thank you, sis, for encouraging me! There’s still more I’d like to do and maybe some buttons I’d buy off of Etsy, but for now I’m calling it good ♥

Saturday: Dirt! So much dirt. We hauled out somewhere between 1.5-2 yards on Saturday, which meant two hauls via our little truck. For the second haul, we accidentally missed closing time at the soil recycling place we usually go to, but fortunately we found another facility a little further out that closed an our later AND they are open on Sundays. That might be the best news of the weekend. It looks like maybe just one more load… I know I’ve said this sooooo many times, but really, we’re at the end. I’m debating ordering the sand and gravel for delivery this upcoming weekend so that we can start laying our path!

Sunday: Fresh-picked strawberries and beets went with me to my parents for my Father’s Day visit. I spent time with them both and then headed back to Seattle to eat a quick dinner and meet with Olivia to see Man of Steel. I had a very nice day and it was great to go to the movies! I haven’t been since seeing The Hobbit for my birthday.

Monday: I finally sanded my closet floor all the way and in total, it took me 30 minutes. Way to procrastinate for all of 30 minutes of sanding, right? BUT that is great because working on the rest of the bedroom floor (which the closet leads into) seems very doable, just in sections. I’ve decided to fully finish up the closet first, meaning getting it painted and all my clothes and crafts moved back to their proper places. THEN, we can see where we’re at with other projects and maybe I’ll start on the rest of the bedroom floor.

So I sanded, vacuumed, wiped up leftover dust with a damp cloth, let it dry, and applied wood filler in the cracks and holes. I ran out of filler though, so must get more and then rinse and repeat. Hopefully I can prime and paint on Wednesday. Hopefully the closet will be done before the weekend!